How Using Color Psychology Improved Our Website

You have probably heard that good web design includes easy navigation. Good websites are highly optimized for the search engines and draw the readers into the message that is being conveyed. By knowing how the human eye scans a page, web designers can optimize their site for their visitors. However, do you ever consider color when designing your website? Now, of course, you thought about color a little bit, but many people don’t put enough consideration into the colors that they use on their website. The colors you use can significantly affect the mood of your visitors. By understanding the Color Psychology, you can easily improve your website design, create a memorable brand, and increase your conversion rate.
Colors Encourage Emotive Responses
Combinations of colors are also known to spark emotive responses. Even at a base level, certain color combinations work well while others prove difficult to read or are simply too bright or brash to be appealing. The very first factor to consider is whether or not your viewers will be able to determine the content of the pages easily. Ensure that text shows up and is easy to read on the background color you choose. Pastel colors are the palette of choice because they are easier on the eye.
Base Colors
  • Red is considered to be the most effective color for accenting text or page elements. Not only is it easy to spot among many other colors but it also encourages quick decisions and, therefore, quick sales. Red works well to encourage impulse buyers because of this urgency and because it makes visitors to your site feel they are missing out if they don’t take up your offer.
  • Yellow has similar attributes to red. It is usually easy to spot, although care has to be taken to ensure that it doesn’t blend into a white background.
  • Orange is a popular color for young people. This demographic of individuals is usually considered the most Internet and technologically savvy of all potential visitors, so orange is a good color for websites that offer this kind of service. Orange is another strong color for encouraging impulse purchases.
  • Blue is usually a cool color but combined with strong colors like reds it can produce a memorable and positive website design. Royal and deep blue can encourage buyers to make extra purchases.
  • Green is the one color that has proven to deter people from websites. Exceptions obviously exist, but greens need to be used well and carefully, if at all.
Why You Should Use Specific Colors For Your Site
Vibrant, bright colors are usually best used with young buyers and for websites that want to encourage impulse buyers, for example in online casino websites there is a use of the combination of red and black so it encourages impulse buying but privacy as well. In contrast, older or more mature audiences prefer the subtlety that pastels offer. These Color Psychology combinations are widely accepted as being effective. Supermarkets and manufacturers, as well as marketers, have injected large amounts of research and money into finding the most effective color combinations to encourage particular emotions – why not take advantage of their hard work and encourage your visitors to make more purchase without them ever knowing.

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